Woke up at 2:00AM and discovered that my king size bed was occupied in the following fashion, starting from left to right.
- The cat – stretched out in order to “spoon”
- Me – awkwardly on my side in order to accommodate both cat and child
- Lucy – sleeping with both arms spread eagle and ON TOP of the covers (thus preventing me from using the covers)
- Max – sleeping horizontally with his head next to Lucy’s and his feet on David’s neck
- David – awkwardly sleeping on his side
In addition we had 4 blankets, 6 pillows, 2 pacifiers and 2 teddy bears. In the meantime, we had 4 empty couches, 2 empty twin beds and 1 vacant crib. And people wonder why I have chronic back pain and I’m just a WEE bit grumpy in the morning.