Baby Gifts I Could Do Without

Shortly after the pregnancy test turns positive and those initial giddy moments fade you begin to make a list of all the things you will need for your new baby. There are hundreds of books instructing you and you are probably surrounded by friends and family telling you about the essential items required to care for a new baby. Let me provide you with a list of things you DON’T need. That is right, things that the baby industry will convince you that you need but in reality are a waste of your money. The baby gifts that will forever sit in your closet untouched.

1.) Diaper Genie (or similar item)

All new mothers think they need this. All new mothers feel this imaginary force field drawing them to buy this item. However, if you talk with any mother that has more than one child you will find that they don’t use it. Why? Well, unless your child is planning on pooping about only 4 times a day you will be changing the cartridge more than once (don’t believe the advertising that says 180 diapers – mine never held anything past 10 diapers and by that time it stunk so bad it didn’t matter if it could handle more). Oh, and those cartridges are not all that easy to change, and they are expensive, and if you don’t screw it tight enough your room still smells like poop. The easier, faster, cheaper and more convenient method that all mothers resort to is a TRASH CAN. That is right, a lovely trash can with a liner. I use leftover grocery bags. I take the poop diapers to the outside trash can and throw away the rest at the end of the day.

2.) Highchairs

Okay, I know some of you are going to be shocked that I put this on the list, but hear me out. Like most parents David and I purchased a large name brand highchair that had wheels with changeable trays, adjustable seat, blah, blah, blah. Well, we live in a rather modest sized house and this highchair became the albatross of my kitchen. It took up a huge amount of space, was always in the way and regardless of what the manufacturer says, it was a pain to clean. When we switched the kids to the booster seat I couldn’t help but think “why didn’t I just buy a really nice booster seat instead?”

3.) Bottle Sterilizer

Some of you may disagree with me on this one but I never had time to worry about sterilizing my bottles. Honestly, if they even got clean was a miracle and by the time Max came along I was just giving them a good rinse under the faucet and moving on. If, you actually have enough bottles in rotation to have some out of commission I suggest you use the dishwasher. It’s hot and it cleans things. I feel that I must also disclose that I am the kind of mother that picks pacifiers up off the ground, licks them, and puts them back in my kids’ mouth so, you be the judge. (I can only imagine the comments I’m going to receive on this one – so just in case you are thinking of calling CPS my children have never had an ear infection or an illness that required an antibiotic.)

4.) Infant Shoes

They are cute, and when you are pregnant you can’t wait for your little one to wear their first pair of Nikes, Vans, wingtips, hightops, high heels, whatever. However, they are the most useless thing on this Earth. An infant is no more capable of keeping shoes on their feet than they are capable of reciting the number for the babysitter. Within seconds of placing these absolutely adorable fashion items on your child, one — and only one — will be lost. Where? Oh, probably on the side of the road somewhere, in the grocery aisle, or underneath your car seat. ONE shoe, and only one shoe will be lost forever.

5.) Help During the First Four Weeks

Here is a secret that nobody tells new mothers. New babies sleep, almost exclusively for the first 2-4 weeks. As a matter of fact you are going to be rather disappointed that your little lump of flesh doesn’t do anything else. All that wonderful family assistance will be for not because you won’t need it. Just when you start to think that this whole baby thing is WAY EASIER than everybody says, and just as the door shuts on the last of the family help your baby will wake up. And when it wakes up it is MAD AS HELL!! It realizes that the whole womb thing was a good deal, and who thought of taking it out of the womb was a bad, bad person and oh, that person is you. Your little angel will now cry, and cry, and cry for a variety of reasons that you won’t be able to figure out until it’s 12 weeks old. In the meantime all your help is gone, your husband is back at work, your post-partum emotional dump has occurred and you are left exhausted, beaten down and wondering where all the help is. Here is my advice — ask Grandma to come back at 6 weeks.

And finally one gift every new mother could use – a gift certificate for new clothes. You won’t be able to fit into your old clothes, you’ll be sick of wearing your maternity clothes and you will feel too cheap, guilty and tired to spend money on new clothes.

7 thoughts on “Baby Gifts I Could Do Without”

  1. I clicked over here from Scribbit’s and I LOVE this post! I’ve thought it about each of your items, but never thought to put a list like this together. It is so, so, soooo true. And very funny. (Although about the help thing – when there is more than one child, those first four weeks are awesome to have help with THEM so you can sleep with baby. :))

    P.S. I also liked the blogging questions you gave to Scribbit…I’ve been blogging for a couple years and still wonder about all that stuff. I’m in a bit of a doldrum with the blog right now, but it is seriously one of the best things I’ve ever done with my free time.

    You have a very articulate and fun tone to your writing. I’ll be back (if you don’t mind).

  2. P.S. (again) I also LOVE your blog name header. Did you do that? I want one. 🙂

  3. I’ve had several folks ask me about my blog header and my lovely, creative and talented husband made that for me. (after I begged him and nagged him for several weeks). He is the creative genius behind many wonderful websites for big names of female products – that is right, if you use tampons you’ve seen his handy work.

  4. LMAO!! Best chuckle all week! Ran across you on my google alerts, well done! As a mom of six and maker of baby shoes I can attest, I’ve yet to see a small baby keep regular shoes on! As for the other stuff, bread bags, any bag’ll do, I just knot em up and chuck e’m in a lidded can. I also don’t own a changing table, or any other apparatus, I just lay them on the floor on a blanket. And I’ve seen many a mom do the lick-n-stick with the poppy, cracks me up! I’ll be back also!

  5. Funny on the tampons. I’ll be sure to look more closely if I’m ever on a tampon website.

    I think your number four is especially good, even when you do have older children, because sleep deprivation is a cumulative thing, at least for me. I think it’s great when you have about 2-3 weeks alone and then some serious help. If your husband gets/takes some time off, I think it’s great to spread it out — like take every Wednesday off for a month instead of four days in a row.

    Amen on the bottle sterilisers (for same reason!) and on the booster seats. Even if you have a big house (which I don’t) I think the baby like being able to be at the table with the family.

  6. ahhh…I don’t know if I could live without my diaper genie. Apparently my kids put out a stenchie poop – and our trash can outside would quickly be accessed by an overly active 3-year old if left on the porch, so I would have to say I LOVE my diaper genie. 🙂

    And as for the help the first few weeks…we have 4 and the meals are a great help, and so was help around the house. I had a c-section and couldn’t do a lot of stuff (and I was on bed rest prior to the birth of our fourth for 3 months…with 3 kids ages 4 and under…yeah, that worked great). I so appreciated the help that was offered to me, since I couldn’t get up quickly and catch up with my youngest two. 🙂

    But high chairs – ahhh. Those suckers hog up so much space it drives me crazy. Unfortunately we don’t have enough room at our table if we don’t use it. Someday. Someday. sigh. 🙂


  7. My oldest was in your class Fall and Spring. She told us how fun you were, and when she showed me your blog I had to agree!

    My opinion: One more thing you don’t need – baby towels. I hate them. They’re made out of the absolutely thinnest terry cloth possible. Why? Just because the baby is small doesn’t mean water doesn’t stick to it after a bath. Why can’t we use a regular towel to bundle them in after a bath? It works much better. Oh, and another thing – baby bath robes. Who uses those things? Like a baby lounges around after a bath for a while in its little robe. Not! You need to diaper them IMMEDIATELY or you’ll need to give them (and you) another bath.

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