I’m Beth.
I work part time as a college professor. I used to teach Freshmen Composition until the inability of students to capitalize the word “I” drove me to the brink of insanity. I now teach Business Communications at the University of Texas at Dallas and I am far more at peace with the world.
I am also a full time mother to three children. I gave birth to my youngest just months shy of turning 40. This makes me a mother of “advanced maternal age”. This also means I don’t really listen to parenting advice.
I am married to David Morley, who happens to be the most talented, funniest, smartest amazing guy I have ever met. He makes me laugh every day.
I homeschool my kids and am launching a new specialty food business with my sister because I don’t know how to relax or enjoy “down” time.
In fifth grade I dreamed about becoming an author and writing children’s stories. That hasn’t really worked out for me, but I do have this blog and most days that is good enough.