I won’t do it. I refuse. I cannot support one more fictional character invading my house and giving my kids candy. I’m all for Santa Claus and even the Tooth Fairy, but the Easter Bunny? C’mon people. I have a daughter who at three years old told me the characters at Disney World were really people wearing costumes. You think she’s going to believe a giant rabbit busted into her house in the middle of the night and left eggs? Oh, and last year she asked me how the Easter Bunny carried all those eggs. How does he do it? I have no idea. Not to mention that I have a hard enough time balancing Passover Seder and Easter dinner you want me to throw in some pagan spring rituals too? I can’t do it people. I won’t. Happy freakin’ Easter!
I know the other day she told me that she thinks people deliver the easter baskets while Mommy and Daddy sleep. Too funny. 🙂
yeah!..it’s not the Easter Bunny that brings the eggs,..it’s the Easter Bilby!!
Good for you–I stand behind this one, Santa Claus controversy aside. Hope you had a good Passover, and hope you survive all the people at your house today. 🙂 (sorry I couldn’t be there, but my clinic doesn’t consider the state-approved “Spring Holiday” necessary for vacation)