We’re Sorry, The Blogosphere Is Closed

As many of you have realized the annual BlogHer Conference is currently being held in San Francisco. Most of our favorite bloggers have taken these past couple of days off to attend this conference and as a result we are all left reading our own pathetic attempts at being funny. (Okay, perhaps I’m the only pathetic one.) Well, a very lovely blogger named Pensieve, decided to host a blog-social of sorts for those of us who cannot afford to go to San Fran.

So, as I virtually “mix and mingle” I’d like to first say that you can find out more about me here. I’ve also included some thoughts on our favorite bloggers who are currently whoopin’ it up in San Fran.

Let’s be honest, would she be funny if she DIDN’T use the f-word? Don’t get me wrong, I love Heather and I don’t even know her. She is the “Oprah of the Blogosphere” and without her none of us would think what we had to say was relevant. (is it? relevant? Hmmm.) Let’s all confess right now. We all secretly hate her because she’s skinny, she takes great photos, she has wonderful taste and she’s making a living off of her blog. If any of us were given the chance to change places we probably would. There, I’ve said it, and you know I’m right.

Mighty Girl
You can’t talk about Heather without talking about Maggie. I mean after all, they are the Matt Damon and Ben Affleck of the blogosphere. If Maggie were in town blogging she would be telling us about these wonderful heels that she found, or this fabulous food that she ate, or some strange person she watched on the bus. Oh, and there would be great photos to illustrate said observation.

Well, Alice just rounds out the pack. Sort of the George Clooney or Brad Pitt to the previous duo. But alas, poor Alice has had a tough year. She’s had a rough patch of writer’s block and then on top of it a miscarriage. Being a woman who has also recently experienced a miscarriage I do not have the heart to poke at her. I’m glad to see her returning to form and I’m sure she’ll have lots of new “Henry” material when she returns from her 2 week trip.

It’s great meeting y’all. Blog On Man – Blog On.

4 thoughts on “We’re Sorry, The Blogosphere Is Closed”

  1. You wanna know something? I’ve not even HEARD of those last two bloggers. Hmmm…

  2. Well Rebecca I violated the first rule of writing and that is to make assumptions about your audience. I’m sorry I didn’t clarify who they are – I’ve added links from their names so you can check them out. They are both wonderful, successful bloggers.

  3. This is great! Nice to meet you. I love your writing, and you’ll probably see me around. I must confess as well, I’d never heard of the other bloggers either. Please stop by sometime.

  4. Love your take on Dooce! Funny. She is sooooo skinny, and normally that would be more than enough reason to hate her, but she also is . . . really, well, a little too tall.

    (would that that were my biggest physical flaw!)

    Just started reading Finslippy, and I guess I should check out the archive to understand the overwhelming appeal.

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