Beth’s Diet Diary

Total weight loss: 5lbs
Total amount of Diet Coke consumed on daily basis in order to stave off eating: 2 cans
Total amount of chocolate consumed daily in secret in order to not count towards diet: 1 candy bar
Amount of money spent on exercise clothes in order to look good while ‘working out’: $75
Total time actually exercising: 20 minutes
Injuries incurred that might prevent future exercising: 1, heel pain due to soft-tissue inflammation

Discovering that you have reached the age where you can no longer just “get in shape” without doctor supervision and that losing weight may require actual dieting: Priceless.

3 thoughts on “Beth’s Diet Diary”

  1. LOVE IT!

    My husband and I are just realizing that we are getting old, and fat. And we would prefer not to be. (Don’t you love Bartleby the Scrivener, I mean, just for that one line alone).

    One thing that has been recommended to us is Thoughts?

  2. Such whining!! Consider that I gave up “getting in shape” long ago because that was a goal equivalent to seeking the Holy Grail. I now am focused solely on arresting any further decline in my All American Body. If you wonder why I call my body “All American” it’s because it is Red White and Blue. My blood pressure is so high that my ears pulsate like flashing red lights, my body hasn’t seen the light of day in years and has the quality of white only associated with Wonder Bread, and my feet are so cold that they appear blue except on those days where my ears and feet change places, but they still retain my red, white, and blue orientation. My advice — surrender to joy and eat that Big Mac and Snicker’s Bar because denial doesn’t actually lead anywhere except to regret followed by mirror psychosis where you simply accuse the mirror of presenting a false image because you simply couldn’t look like that.

  3. hahahahaha!
    I spotted you over at Scribbit and came over to snoop … you are too cute! Hope you get everything our of blogging that you hope to.

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